Hi! Welcome to Liz Voltz Photography!

My name is Liz (they/them). I am a commercial food photographer located in Minneapolis, MN, USA. I love food. I love cooking food. I love eating food. And I love photographing food. Food is my jam.

Prior to being a food photographer, I was a designer/UXer for almost a decade. I find it incredibly enjoyable being able to combine those experiences to bring a graphic style to my photography.

I am passionate about serving clients who believe in inclusivity, community, and creating more sustainable and regenerative food systems.

A few of my favorite things

Hopefully sung to the rhythm of the song from the Sound of Music
  • Beef En Cocotte served with mashed potatoes
  • My two cats:
    • Terran (curiosity might just kill this cat)
    • Six (she is polydactyl meaning she has six toes on each paw; also named after a character on Battlestar Galactica *nerd*)
  • Traveling (mostly to eat new food)
  • Hiking in one of Minnesota’s many state parks (Tetteguche State Park is probably my top park)

Some of my clients

  • Crisp & Green
  • 12 Tides
  • Wunderman
  • Best Buy
  • 3M
  • Post-it
  • Scotch Tape
  • Serious Eats
  • Sencha Naturals
  • Minnesota Monthly
  • City of Roseville
  • Goldfine
  • Rachele Krivichi

Have a project in mind?

If you need help creating mouthwatering photos of your food, you have come to the right place. I love working with clients to bring their vision to fruition. Whether that is a traditional product shot or through a more editorial photograph, I can help you put your best food forward.

Let's work together

If you are interested in working together, or you just want to say hi, send me an email at hello@lizvoltz.com or give me a call at 651-338-4255. I look forward to hearing from you!